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Title: Karyotype for Nebo hierichonticus (Simon 1872) from the Palestinian Territories (Scorpiones: Scorpionidae)
Authors: Qumsiyeh, Mazin
Amr, Zuhair
Abu Srour, Kareem
Al-Fawaghra, Nael
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: The Japan Mendel Society
Abstract: In this paper we report the first karyotypic data on Nebo hierichonticus (Simon 1872) from the occupied Palestinian territories. The karyotype consists of 50 chromosomes which appear acrocentric except for pair 3, likely representing the XY. With additional data on scorpionidae coming through, we suggest that a model of chromosomal evolution might involve changes in chromosome numbers that relate to chromosomal stability in the nucleus and recombination affecting adaptability as previously suggested and supported by studies of salmonid fish chromosomes.
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Science

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