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Title: Some Records of Butterflies (Lepidoptera) from the Palestinian Territories
Authors: Abusarhan, Mohammed
Handal, Elias
Ghattas, Manal
Amr, Zuhair
Qumsiyeh, Mazin
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences
Abstract: Butterflies were collected from 49 localities in the occupied West Bank of Jordan (Palestinian Territories). Fifty-four species were identified belonging to five families (Papilionidae, Pieridae, Lycaenidae, Hesperiidae, and Nymphalidae) during 2013-2015. The three most common butterflies observed and collected were the small White Pieris rapae, the Bath White Pontia daplidice, and the Common Blue Polyommatus icarus. Many species seemed rare and to be threatened by loss of habitats including Archon apollinus, Zegris eupheme, Gonepteryx cleopatra taurica, and Hipparchia fatua sichaea. We suggest that the most significant threats to butterfly biodiversity in Palestine and the Arab World in general is habitat destruction and climate change.
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Science

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