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dc.contributor.authorHandal, Elias-
dc.contributor.authorAl Wahsh, Aysha-
dc.contributor.authorEhrmann, Reinhard-
dc.contributor.authorAmr, Zuhair-
dc.contributor.authorBattiston, Roberto-
dc.contributor.authorQumsiyeh, Mazin-
dc.description.abstractA total of seventeen species of the order Mantodea were recorded from the Palestinian Territories belonging to five families (Empusidae, Eremiaphilidae, Mantidae, Tarachodidae and Toxoderidae) and thirteen genera (Ameles, Blepharopsis, Empusa, Eremiaphila, Eremoplana, Holaptilon, Iris, Mantis, Microthespis, Miomantis, Pareuthyphlebs, Rivetina, and Sphodromantis). Ameles syriensis, Rivetina syriaca and Eremiaphila braueri are new records for the Palestinian Territories. Their presence in this area is updated and discussed in a biogeographic and conservation perspective. Further researches on specific issues on their taxonomy and biology are here raised and evidenced.en_US
dc.titleMantids (Dictyoptera: Mantodea) from the Palestinian Territories with an updated listen_US
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Science

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